I hope that you all had a wonderful week, I did. Haha, I love my companion. She is so funny. Let me give you a glimpse into my life with a Swedish sister...
"Why do you not pronounce the 't' when you say 'mountain'?" (I'm from Utah)
"Do all Americans make weird faces all the time?" (actually, that's just me)
"Why do Americans make so many prideful, sarcrastic comments?" (umm...)...funny story about that...we were watching a clip from the District (missionary training videos) and this lady, as a joke, said something like,
"Yeah, my family is perfect." My first thought, "Haha, American."
Also, Soeur Ronndahl walks around the house singing the American National Anthem.
Random French Fact of the Week: They use baguettes for the sacrament.
We have been looking for tons of families to teach this last week, and it seems that they are just falling into our laps. Here are some examples...
We were contacting one night and stopped this cute lady with her baby (I swear, whenever I see someone with a stroller I head straight for them). Her name is Joycelyn and she was apparently taught by the elders over two years ago. But, she agreed to restart the lessons with us and feels that it is time for her to make changes in her life and get closer to God. Miracle.
Later on, we received a call from some missionaries in Gex. They gave us a referral for this awesome, young mom with several kids. She had been contacted in Besancon several years ago on a bus but had since forgotten about the church. However, this last weekend she was in Gex helping her mother move (into a house that just happened to be across the street from the church). Out of the blue, she decided to go to the services on Sunday, stayed all three hours, loved it, and gave her contact info to the missionaries to pass to us (because she is still living in Besancon). We start teaching her later this week. Miracle.
Finally, we had the most incredible contact. We had decided, for some random reason (meaning inspiration), to take a different route to our rendez-vous one evening. On the way, of course, we ran into this young dad and his two sons (ages 5 and 3). He said that he was completely athiest but was suddenly sparked when we started talking about eternal families. He admitted that he was scared of death and wanted answers. He wasn't sure why he didn't believe in God and asked us how we could believe. Naturally, we taught him how to pray right there on the street and set-up a rendez-vous for the coming week. Miracle.
God is preparing people for us and putting them in our paths. The incredible part...he doesn't just do it for missionaries. Members of the church are put daily in situations where they can express the joy they and their family receive through the restored gospel. Just share your joy! There are several members of the branch who have friends we are currently working with aswell.
On a different note, more miracles! I got an email from Migo this week, she is currently still on vacation in the States. Here are some highlights... (PS--she got her temple recommend before leaving Besancon)
"...I had gone to the temple and church in Manhattan. There is such a big church. The chorus is very amazing. Children also sang hymn on stage. They were so cute:)...I still pray to dear Heavenly Father, thanks for everything in my live..." LOVE HER!
Have a great week, I love you all. Thank you for your love and prayers!
Je vous aime,
Soeur Alisa Hulme
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